Yusuke Hoshi official Homepage
星祐介 公式ホームページ
Had been many Festival, situation playing experimental percussive simple music from Psychedelic, Trance, Acoustic Blues Rock to ancient gong ambient form next level music, Traveling over 30 countries music tour..with Fantastic friends.
2011 1st Album Yogi dropped by Chillom (India),2012 2ed Ep dropped by Plusquam (Germany), Recently,2014 July recorded New Blues album "Hikigatari2014" (Japan), Dropped calm space drum Album"Space And Star"宇宙と星(Japan),
Organize Hoshiyoga, and Working with yoga teacher too. Try to find more relax space. Hopefully U guys will feel good with music and Asian Relax Exercise.
旅と世界中のフレンズ、音楽マスターとのコラボ、勉強、練習によって繰り出される独特のポジティブ島国グルーブ。祖母がピアノの先生だったので小さい頃から音とともに成長する。ヨガは小学生の頃、自分で通販で購入したアメリカからのビデオを観て稽古をしていたのが始まりの一つです。世界最古の金管楽器、ディジュリドゥとパーカッション(打楽器)をメインの楽器として、特にハンドパンをプレイします。世界40カ国以上で音楽演奏活動。2013年カナダミシサガロジャースディタイムTVに出演。2015年イタリアのツアー中にメジャー新聞に掲載される。2016年より本格的に拠点をカナダ、トロントに移し、とりにくいといわれるカナダのタイムズスクエア的なヤング&ダンダススクエアのパフォーマライセンス取得。2017年も取得。12年に一度のホッケーワールドカップの公認パフォーマーとして演奏。2017年はカナダ首都トロントにてピアールソンエアポートフェスティバル日本人初メインステージ出演。メルセデスベンツカナダクリスマスパーティーにてディジュ&ドラム演奏、ハンドパン演奏。2018年トロントカナダシェラトンホテルロビー演奏。様々な企業のパーティーにも招聘され音楽をプレイする。現在までに8つの音楽アルバムをドイツ、インド、そして世界でリリース。そして、リアルファーストアルバム現在メキシコにてプレス中。2018年夏には、BAB出版社より、出版されたヨガ教則本のヨガモデルも務める。そして、2019年2月にヨガ教則DVDとして出版。2018年五月号、現在の武道界のオピニオンリーダー的存在のクオリティマガジン、月刊秘伝に掲載される。2019年2月号にも掲載されてます。そしてメキシコの首都、メキシコシティーにて2018年5月にはメキシコの文化放送的なRadioEducationにてラジオ出演 、レコーディングライブ。現在は10年の海外武者修行を終え、日本と、世界で星ヨガクラスと音楽生演奏ライブを精力的に活動している。2019年11月25日には待望の音旅書籍+ディジュリドゥ、聴くだけ瞑想。がCD付きが出版。2020年3月リシケシインターナショナルヨガフェスティバルにヨガ講師、ミュージシャンとして出演。その後の予定はパンデミックの影響により全てキャンセルを余儀なくされるが、ヒマラヤで再度修行を重ね、現在は北インドのヨガの里リシケシにて星ヨガ&ライブミュージック星ヨガ道場をオンラインとしても同時に毎日稽古中。
2000~2003 Taisho Buddhism University India philosophy Ikebukuro Tokyo Japan
22 jan 2009 certificate general thai massage The wat po traditional medical schoolBangkok Thailand
30 jan 2009 certificate oil massage and aromatherapy The chetawan thai traditional massage school Bangkok Thailand
04 apr 2010~15 may 2010 Yoga teacher trainingInternational shri sai yoga Laxman Jhula, Rishikesh
Nov 2020
Yoga Alliance RYS200 TTC India
200 Hours Hatha Yoga TTC
Past Festival, Exhibition, Gig
2000 Yamanoko (Japan Nagano)
2001 Mushi No Ne (Japan Yamanashi)
2001 Atlantic (Japan Okutama)
2002 Shiten (Japan Ueno)
2002 Group Art Exhibition "Musubi" (Japan Sado island)
2005 Camps (Japan Kanagawa)
2006 Okkoto Camp (Japan Nagano)
2007 Te No Hira Matsuri (Japan Saitama)
2007 Ryugan Sai (Japan Miyagi)
2007 Earth Garden (Japan Tokyo)
2007 Tone River Jam (Japan Chiba)
2008 Tone River Jam (Japan Chiba Abiko)
2008 Oshino Dead (Japan Oshino)
2011 Anima Mundi (United Kingdom London)
2012 Music Meeting Magic Movement (Switzerland Bern)
2013 National Museum (Guinee Conakry)
2013 Traditional Party (Ouagadougou Burkina Faso)
2013 Art Fusion Festival (Canada Toronto)
2013 Rogers Daytime TV Interview & Studio Gig (Canada Missisauga )
2013 Art Galleria Expo Toronto (Canada Toronto)
2014 Okkoto Camp (Japan Nagano)
2014 Tone River Jam (Japan Chiba)
2014 Subsonic Music Festival (Australia Sydney)
2014 Yarraville Festival (Australia Melbourne)
2014 Himalayan Blues Festival (Nepal Kathmandu)
2014 Otodama (Japan Niigata)
2014 Green Grass Festival (Japan Hyogo)
2015 Fremantle Street Art Festival (West Australia Fremantle)
2015 Kinetic Dreaming Music Arts Lifestyle Festival for the Environment (West Australia Mooliabeenee)
2015 Didge 2 Didge (France Grenoble)
2015 Le RDV du Hang (France Paris)
2015 The Singing Sticks Didgeridoo And World music weekend (United Kingdom Nothampton)
2015 Joe Blues Festival (Italy Sanmartino)
2015 Voce Dal Ponte International musical Festival (Italy Monopoli)
2015 Freedom Festival (Portugal Elvas)
2015 Abiko International Open Air Art Exhibition (Japan Chiba)
2016 Canada Day (Canada Toronto)
2016 Cabbage Town Festival (Canada Toronto)
2016 Etobicoke Lakeshore Cultural day (Canada Etobicoke)
2016 World Cup Of Hockey Fan Village (Canada Toronto)
2017 In the Soil Arts Festival (Canada Saint Catharine)
2017 Toronto Pearson Airport Festival (Canada Toronto)
2017 Global Village Festival ( Canada Toronto )
2017 Ontario Heritage Festival ( Canada Toronto )
2017 AlweezGrooven ( Canada Quebec )
2017 Active Ontario Festival ( Canada Toronto )
2017 Small World Music Festival (Canada Toronto )
2017 Mercedes Bentz Christmas Party (Canada Toronto)
2018 Sheraton Hotel Canada (Toronto Canada )
2018 Radio Educacion ( Mexicocity Mexico )
2019 Japan woman's college of physical education Tokyo Japan
2020 Rishikesh International Yoga Festival Rishikesh Uttarakhand India
2021 Rishikesh Music Festival Tapovan Rishikesh India
2021 Uttarakhand Intenational Music Festival Ramjhula Rishikesh India
2021 Rishikesh International Yoga Festival ( Ramjhura India )
2021 World Music and Dance Festival ( Japan Hakodate Hokkaido )
2005〜2008 Studied Japanese Traditional Festival music at Matsumoto Gennosuke Group.
2008 乙種第4類危険物取扱者(乙4)
2019年 Didgeridoo Handpan Sun & Moon Star ハンドパン&ディジュリドゥ 太陽と月の星
2015年 Energized Handpan Ap Ka nam kya hai
2014年 弾き語り Hikigatari
2014年 ハンドパン 癒し音楽 CDアルバム 宇宙と星 Handpan Space & Star
2013年 Bongo Trance Didge & Drums Psychedelic Music
2012年 Yogi
2012年 Mbira Guitar Singing Album
2010年 Windrum Caisa Drum
音楽アルバムの購入はこちらからお願い致します。Purchase Music Album here.
Traveling around the world 40 country to play, Pray, Showcase, Performance, Pray for gods song, Sharing wisdom and Technique with a lot of Yogi, Guru ji, Maestro, Especially Musician and Friends. He feeling a plenty of teacher on space like He have similar feeling everything have gods like 八百万の神 in Japanese traditional. Yusuke Hoshi Live Music like Positive Islands groove which only one around the world he would trying to create those theme always with people and Mother Earth and Space.
Parents are kind of Taichi Teacher same times, Grand mother was piano teacher then since he was kids like 0,1,2,3 years old, Learned classical piano music from grand mother lived in Fukushima bay side area which my roots prefecture and learned from around teacher naturally until 10 years old. This experience was absolutely good for like sketch as sky his yogi music world now we think, Cause of after times, Time has flow, By his family influence, Naturally He learned Rock scene Cause of his father who had much love, and West African Percussiive Music actually started from he was 18 years old Cause of his brother taught him when brother came back from African music training. Actually brother and his wife learning and teaching such African music scene over 20 years. So, He would create Mother Earth Space Music, Always thinking to future sounds of world and shanty organic circulation breathing life for everybody and Space. Mainly He play, Pray Musical instruments like, Oldest wind breathing Instruments Didgeridoo Yidaki, Carib steel pan meets asian Gong culture in Europe like New soul future sounds of Musical instruments Handpan, Would combine world Percussion which he learned like traditional Cuban latin, rhythm, West African, Brazilian, and Japanese. Especially such beautiful goodly futurely musical positive frequency form experience we would share with you guys. Mantra and Chanting with harmonium, Acoustic Guitar, Actually He just living practical in his life and love music totally just like this about him. He would traveling about 40 country, At the moment North part Of India Rishikesh 2020 Oct, and We gonna say his experience between his life and us Cause of He always thinking It is not only his power, Always Sun looking for our life, Feeling space gravity energy and You guys soul, He just would exchange energy 氣の交換 between like this.
2013 Canada Mississauga Rogers Day time TV Showcase and Interview, 2015 While Italy Music Tour with Chris Sutton and Mr No Money Blues Band, One of the Major Italy news Paper would showed up Yusuke Hoshi Article on the top, From 2016, he moved to Canada Toronto to seriously create his Yogi Music base and connect to the people. In fact, He would took Young and Dundas Square Professional Performer license, 2017 as well, and 2016 World Cup Of Hockey which Canadian National Sports One time in 12 years They selected to Yusuke Hoshi like Authorised Musician on such amazing exciting sports event. 2017 Busiest Airport, Toronto Canada Pearson Airport Festival also choice to Yusuke Hoshi Authorised Musician It became first musician especially Japanese on such Festival. 2017 Mercedes Bentz Christmas Party Showcase in Toronto Canada. 2018 Toronto Canada Sheraton Hotel Music Showcase, He actually did a lot of company event and Party to perform music same times around the world. At the moment, He released 9 kind of Music Album from Germany, India, Would spread pure yogi music for world and space.
2018 He stayed his hometown Japan islands until his father passed away He actually learned how to write story by Japanese figure from his father and around teacher and, He also work like Yogi Musician Model especially in Japan island, Therefore, One of the famous, kind of One of the Bujyutsu opinion leader, Japanese World Traditional Martial Arts, Kobujyutsu Magazine “ Hiden “ Article often comes up like about Didgeridoo and HoshiYoga, Time was 2018 May and 2018 Feb, Also did Yoga Model on Paperback Book 手のカタチで身体が変わる!~ヨガ秘宝”ムドラ”の不思議~ Published by BAB Japan.
2018 One of the most big famous cultural radio station “Radio Education” Live recording and Interview in Mexico City Mexico.
2019 Such Yoga Paperback book Book 手のカタチで身体が変わる!~ヨガ秘宝”ムドラ”の不思議~ published DVD Media form like インドの秘宝(ムドラの手引き)~手のカタチで身体が変わる~(DVD) by BAB Japan.
2019 Yusuke Hoshi wrote like Traveling experience + Didgeridoo Meditation Yogi Book with Music CD “ 聴くだけ瞑想” 星祐介 Published by BAB Japan. It would took 2 years with Didgeridoo Meditation Sound Of Music CD.
2020 March Hoshiyoga and Live Music workshop and Musical performance as Yoga instructor and Musician on such beautiful international yoga festival 2020 Rishikesh International Yoga Festival in Uttarakhand India, After that, Trying to focus Music and Yoga training on Himalaya Gangnani which 50 kiro away from roots of Ganga spring water such fantastic respective Himalayan mountain nature space, But Pandemic came same as everybody, Cancelled all schedule on 2020, He trying to figure out more things purely day by day, Time by time with Himalaya and space, At the moment, He living Rishikesh which World capital of Yoga place in North Part of India, He would open Hoshiyoga Dojo and Zoom Online Course in Tapovan for world and space shanty future way.
He feeling roots soul gonna go permaculture way Kindly, Foods are important, Country Islands mountain life, Playing, Praying Music and Yoga on such Music Yoga Festival around the world, also Hikigatari which Acoustic Guitar and original sing a song kind of yogi blues style, Sharing wisdom about musical instruments and Music.
Down by below like Thai Traditional massage, Aromatherapy, Oil Massage and Yoga Teacher License in North Part Of India.

2017 Mercedes Bentz Christmas Party (Canada Toronto)
2020 Rishikesh International Yoga Festival Rishikesh Uttarakhand India
Fremantle Street Art Festival (West Australia Fremantle)