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Hey guys What your life going on, Looks good brother and Sister. Thank you for coming to here which Yusuke Hoshi Official link, You shouldn't think like oh this site too much information by small charactor w Oh sorry man Because of myself like not super digital person coming now just wrote things which I did and, If you guys give support it gonna be awesome. Anyway, This corner like introduce Yusuke Hoshi digital book which not appear on internet or any platform yet officially like no one see, and looking some hot information what I felt, feel, think by my traveling about 40 years around the world about over 40 country. 2019, One Paper book published by BAB JAPAN which Kikudake Meisou with Meditation CD  

This is not complete what I wanna speak to you guys like only just 10 % from all book contents so, I have complete one digital book also. And, Those books Theme like Sounds, Music, Traditional, Latest Music Scene, Healthy way like How to create strong mind and soul, How to protect, How to make completely don't care from digital mind attack like radar torture, Directed energy weapon, Survillance mind control things, Foods, Cooking, Traditional and Newest, Communication, Humanbeing, Animal, Universe, Friends, How to survive and become yogi musician which world high quality professional class, How to learn technique with traveling, and then growing up like that. Digital book style we would like to provide for you guys. Those like PDF but, As you like it we can talk flexible reply also possible with you. 

Firstly, You can send for myself mail contact If you interested for. One section digital book price are 5000 Yen like 50 US Doller. 

If you are publisher, We also welcome to create paper book style by our digital contents. Article, Collums, I can write if you will give some theme on Oh yea Let's talk, We can work for bright future ! 

Language are Japanese and English, Have a awesome day guys !!


お問い合わせは Contact for :  Or 

1、聴くだけ瞑想。完全版。 Complete Book Sounds of Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo Meditation



        Complete Book Kikudake Meisou. Published already but Ingredients were only 10 % inside the books. So, This digital contents will be another 90 %. 


2、旅日記2008〜2011 睡眠薬強盗で海外で一文なしになってから、どうやって世界的なヨガミュージシャンになっていくかを具体的に執筆しています。

        Traveling Dairy Book 2008 ~ 2011  Got Sleeping drug Accidents in Thailand, Lost all money,  Then How I become world professional high quality yogi                  musician by Traveling. Appreciate for all off caurse. 

3、2019年音ヨガ文化視察チェンナイ~ゴア~トリバンドラム南インドツアー  Chennai, Goa, Trivandrum South India Tour

4、2020~2021 コロナロックダウンインインディア  2020~2021 Colona Lockdown India. Played Yogi Music on Goa private cottage ambient party , Then Played Music and Hoshiyoga Lesson in Rishikesh International Yoga Festival 2020, 2021, After that, When I was Gangnani Himalaya training, Suddenly started for myself Radar brain torture, Directed Energy weapon, V2K by National Government, Without any WIFI around in deeply mountain, How we protect those mind control attack, Nervous system manipulate, and then Lively as usual and normal despite those attack. Living in Himalaya 2020 ~2021. Played Rishikesh International Music Festival,  Played Ramjhura International  Music Festival, Sametimes Face to face style, Online Hoshiyoga and Live Music everyday at Hoshiyoga Dojo in Tapovan Rishikesh India. Police Violence from Ramjhura cops suddenlly by doubt overstay but foreigner everybody can live that time regally. As time goes by.......Appreciate for all. Have a awesome day guys.  Hope, World, Universe will be peace.  



5、2022 Dubai U.A.E  Supposed to be go Brazil for Yogi Music training, But Colona happened I could Visited to transit city Dubai U.A.E. But There can't do Busking not like Canada, Australia, Germany etc. They have Official Busker license. But, Played Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo and Handpan Music on Dubaiexpo2020 which world around biggest expo, Was good oppotunity for bright future. This is latest writing. Appreciate for all. 


6. 2018 Mexico Music Tour

7, 2019 Indonesia Music Tour

8, 2011, 2013 West Africa, Burkina Faso, mali, The Gambia, Senegal, Guinee Tour  

If you think, Oh this sentence are pretty mistake let us know cause of sometimes even we have much notice, Something wonderful came without our permit then write again for bad offensively especially this website. Got such situation a lot. We love you and Have a good day guys la vida es bella.

© 2024 by Yusuke Hoshi

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