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Didgeridoo Music Class



















星ディジュリドゥ道場:料金 200000円



星ディジュリドゥ道場TTC 600000円







Hoshiyoga And Live Music Dojo Kuromatsunai Hokkaido Japan 直行便 千歳空港からカーリフト代。片道3万円。一台に三人乗れます。

Direct car lift from Chitose airport to Hoshiyoga And Live Music Dojo Kuromatsunai Hokkaido Japan. 

Fee : 30,000 Yen One way. 600,00 Yen Two way. One car can lift maximum three person.

食事一食千円✖️2食=二千円✖️日数 (ベジタリアン、ハラルフード、トラディショナルジャパニーズフードなど。メニューはインスタグラムからもどうぞ。)

Teacher Training Course Lunch, Dinner Meal each 1,000 Yen. ✖️ Day two times = 2,000 Yen.  ( Vegetarian, Halal, Traditional Japanese Foods etc. Please have a look menu on any SNS especially Instagram. )


Accommodation Teacher Training Course : Camp style fee free, Bring your tent. Rent tent fee 500 yen a day.  


Hoshiyoga And Live Music Yusuke Hoshi Music Studio Room Rent a Day 3,000 Yen ( Only Teacher Training Course Student. )



For example, Teacher Training Course 200 Hour  : 600,000 Yen. A day 8 Hour It gonna be 25 Days.  


Lunch Meal 1,000 Yen and Dinner each Meal 1,000 Yen ✖️25 Days = 50,000 Yen.  

室内部屋 3000 Yen ✖️25 Days=七万五千円

Hoshiyoga And Live Music Yusuke Hoshi Music Studio Room Rent a Day 3,000 Yen ( Only Teacher Training Course Student. ) 

Room Rent Fee 3,000 Yen ✖️25 Days = 75,000 Yen.



600,000 Yen  + 125,000 Yen = 725,000 Yen.

カーリフト代往復6万= 78万5千円 

Car Lift Fee Two Way 60,000 Yen = 785,000 Yen. 



Let’s Talk. Inquiry :  Yusuke






Didgeridoo Culture are spreading good effect for all over the world which coming from Australia, Oceania and around islands traditional oldest wind musical instruments.

From beginning, According history, Termite came into eucalyptus tree, Created inside space circle then became such beautiful nature figure musical instruments.

Also some tribe using Bamboo tree,  Japanese called for take 竹, They can Connect between Earth and Universe according to ancient story & History in Japanese.

松竹梅 Shouchikubai like 松 are pine tree like 天 Universe, 梅 like plum then when left figure change for sanzui then become 海 which mean ocean. 竹 which mean like bamboo, Bamboo are Connect Universe and Earth on our traditional culture.

They pray, and play Didgeridoo in funeral ceremony especially Australia, Harvest season, Festival, Spiritual Ceremony, Pray for gods, Shanty, Piece,

Good future, Pray for past history and memory, Positive attitude, Soul would send to the gods and next stage, also good hot effect for around like Strongest Sounds of Music wave form.


For example, when we visit in the nature, Forest, Ocean, Surfing, Trekking, beautiful space We can have really relaxation and energized without anything thoughts automatically.


Human being can listen to the sounds of wave from 20 Hz to 20000 Hz basically. Actually Nature have more than those, A lot of sounds same times such healing frequency, So Didgeridoo musical instruments pretty much they have as nature. Good Meditative effect flow person who listen the didgeridoo sounds of music, Purification, Cleaning respiratory system. As a result of Good for Sonore decrease.  Good for All human being anatomical systems same times.


When we think for how to play and pray the Didgeridoo, We gonna feel around all energy, Aura, and, Atomosphere.

We would like to share with you guys with Hoshiyoga & Live Music. 


Didgeridoo can make Silent and Motion. In Japanese Called for 静と動. Didgeridoo have such amazing technique like circular breathing, We can make sounds of rise up, A lot of technique for meditation, How to make basic sounds, and, Didgeridoo and Percussion playing together same time professional style.


Hoshiyoga & Live Music Didgeridoo Dojo have Three kind of roads. 


1, Beginner Course.

2, intermediate Course.

3, Professional Course.


Course fee : 200000 Yen for 30 HR, 600000 Yen  TTC200 HR. 

Group Lesson Drop In for 4000 Yen 1 Hour , Private Lesson Drop In for 8000 Yen 1 Hour.


TTC200HR course included on Percussion ensemble way like Conga, Bongo, Timbales Or Djembe Doundoun Sangban kenkeni Or Japanese festival music  like Ohdaiko, Shimedaiko, Kane, and Bamboo flute which you guys can choose course what you feel as well.


Hoshi Didgeridoo Dojo TTC 200HR and, 60 Hr Course learning Percussion ensemble same times for Didgeridoo.

For example, You know drum kit right, They have small drum, Medium drum, Big drum, Cymbal and, Hihat, Listen to Dance and percussion sounds with group of music when we feel fusion those, Cause of Dance and Music are not different, pretty same when we look from a lot of way cause of Dancer body have not Hi Hat actually Shaker or tree's seeds material but sounds all art form include for one musically. So we will learn like rhythm, Groove, Musical instruments, History included from

Cuba latin ensemble, West African, and Japanese festival music where centre of Japan island area from International Japanese Yogi musician.

Small Percussion also we can practice like Guiro, Tambourine, Shaker, Cowbell, Wind Chime, etc You guys can combine for didgeridoo or will be future sounds of Percussionist, One by one, Make sure and Let's do together bro.

Hoshi Didgeridoo Dojo reservation, Gig offer, School Camp Program, etc So, Please have a look Hoshiyoga and Live Music We would know more from you guys. Today is the today, Have a awesome day guys. Thank you for all.

Yusuke Hoshi Didgeridoo Dojo

Toronto Pearson Airport Festival 2017 June Canada Playing  Bamboo Didgeridoo Mgaribi

Sound Of Hemp Black Hemp Didgeridoos and Flute

Didgeridoo With Yusuke Hoshi at The Down To Earth Shoppe Dundas Ontario Canada 2017 Feb

Yusuke Hoshi Didgeridoo Dojo
Yusuke Hoshi Didgeridoo Dojo

Didgeridoo Beginner Class at House Of Energy Toronto Canada 2016


Didgeridoo class will be only reservation now.

2017 Toronto Canada Didgeridoo Class  At African Drum & Art Crafts

Didgeridoo Class at African Drums And Art Crafts Toronto Canada 2017

Yusuke Hoshi Didgeridoo Dojo

Yusuke Hoshi How to make basic sound on the Didgeridoo Canada Toronto 

Date : 25 July 2017
Place : Toronto Canada

Yusuke Hoshi How to play Octave Horn Sounds on the Didgeridoo 

Language : English
Date : 25 July 2017
Place : House Of Energy Toronto Canada


Yusuke Hoshi How to play Circular Breathing on the Didgeridoo 

Place : House Of Energy
Date : 2016 Toronto Canada

Sound Of Hemp Black Hemp Didgeridoos and Flute

Yusuke Hoshi How To Play Flute Technique on the Didgeridoo 

Language : English

Yusuke Hoshi How To Rolling Tongue on the Didgeridoo 

Language : English

Yusuke Hoshi How to make Dynamic Snare on the Didgeridoo 

Theme : Dynamic Snare 
Date : July 2017
Where : Toronto Canada

日本の竹でディジュリドゥを製作しています。サーフィンの練習の合間に演奏してみました。この楽器は、キーはC。トゥーツはFシャープです。千葉県成田山の近くで竹を採取させて頂き、その後1年半ほど自宅にて乾燥させてから最近作ってみました。短い動画ですが、海の音とともに楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです。 This movie played Bamboo Didgeridoo which came from Holy Narita mountain, Took bamboo about a year's half ago then, took a rest in front of my place recently, i made this musical instruments. Key is C, Toots is F#. Hope you guys will enjoy this sounds. Have a good day guys.

HP-1 Hoshi Percussion Bamboo Didgeridoo Series.

尾瀬の美味しい湧き水で育まれたディジュです。キーはE。反対側で吹くとキーはDになります。 星パーカッション 竹ディジュリドゥ HP-7 ドローン キー E オーバートーン(トゥーツ)A 長さ 110.6センチ マウスピース 4.2センチ(外径)        2.8センチ(内径) 重量 0.8キログラム 化学素材なし。電気工具なし。完全手作り。ハンドクラフテッドオーガニック若竹ディジュリドゥ。日本製。 Hoshi Percussion  Bamboo Didgeridoo HP-7 Drone Key E ( Opposite side Key D ) Over Tone ( Toots ) A Length 110.6 cm Mouth Piece 4.2 cm ( outer diameter ) 2.8 cm ( Inner diameter ) Weight 0.8 kg Handcrafted Organic  Bamboo Didgeridoo Made in Chiba Prefecture Inzai city Japan.

Hoshi Percussion Inzai Shrine Bamboo Didgeridoo Series HP - 14 Drone Key D# Over Tone ( Toots ) Normal A, High G# Length 113.6 cm Mouth Piece 4.3 cm ( Outer diameter ) 2.7 cm ( Inner diameter ) Weight 0.9 kg Handcrafted Organic Inzai Shrine Bamboo Didgeridoo Made in Chiba prefecture Inzai City Japan. 星パーカッション 神社竹ディジュリドゥ ドローン キー D#  オーバートーン(トゥーツ)A 2段目 G# 長さ 113.6センチ マウスピース 4.3センチ(外径)        2.7センチ(内径) 重量 0.9キログラム 化学素材なし。電気工具なし。完全手作り。ハンドクラフテッドオーガニック神社若竹ディジュリドゥ。日本製。

Shrine Didge On #UIMF​ 2021 Uttarakhand Ramjhura India 2021


Didgeridoo Sounds Meditation Class at Rishikesh International Yoga Festival 2020 March.

Showcase on Canada Sheraton Hotel Toronto Canada 2018

Mercedes - Benz Christmas Party Toronto Canada 2017

Yusuke Hoshi Didgeridoo Italy Sanmartino 2015 ディジュ&ハンドパン演奏 イタリア

カナダ ディジュリドゥPearson Airport Festival Toronto Canada 2017

Young & Dundas Square Canada Day Stage 2016 Toronto Canada 

Le RDV du Hang Paris France 2015 Jam

Hemp Didgeridoo Flute Style India Shivapuri India 2016

国立博物館 National Museum Conakry Guinee 2013 Mar

Jonasun & Yusuke Hoshi - Showcase - Singapore 2011


Private Ambient Cottage Party in Goa India 2020 Feb. Goa布団会。Handpan (F)CDEFABCD

In The Soil Arts Festival St Catharines Near Niagara Canada April 29 2017

FarmFest 2016 Oct 16 Ontario Canada.

Sanmartino Italy Didgeridoo Workshop 2015

Showcase with Ryo on tapovan India 2010


Sounds Meditation at Rishikesh International Yoga Festival 2020 India


7 FEB 2018 at Sheraton Centre Hotel Canada Toronto


Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo Series







Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo Series by Yusuke Hoshi. Chiba prefecture, Inzai have historical shrine mountain then I took bamboo one by one, and then dried 3, 4 years. Creating at Hoshiyoga and Live Music Dojo Kuromatsunai Hokkaido Japan mainly. Water from Dojo fresh natural spring water, Fire from Dojo forest tree mainly. One by one, slowly slowly organic soul handmade without electric tools.
Sounds like from 4 tone ~12 tone depends on musical instruments. Actually Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo like percussionist likely pero If you using didge stand, We can play with guitar or any musical instruments same times. Here in this time like 19 creation We would show you guys. If you think for purchase, Let us know let’s talk. Arigato !

We gonna do Music Lesson and Hoshiyoga, also accept for Musical instruments like order original organic making Didgeridoo, Hoshi Handpan, Percussion, and flute by Yusuke Hoshi.

Let's talk and Inquiry at

Today is the today, Have a good day everybody.

*Paper took by Gosuke Washi which can keep over thousand year, Made in Hitachi Ohmiya City Ibaragi Prefecture Japan.  

2, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo 

Length : 75,5 cm Outer 4,9 cm Inner 2,7 cm

Bass G, A#   Horn E Octave G3, G4, D#, G5

Price 300 US $ + Shipping Cost

Length 長さ Outer 外径 Inner 内径  

Bass 低音(基本音) Horn ホーンサウンド Octave オクターブサウンド

Price 価格 Shipping Cost 輸送費

3, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo 

Length 98,4 cm 

Outer 4,5 cm

Inner 2,3 cm

Bass F  Horn C, G# Octave D#, A#, D#, G

Price 2000 US $ + Shipping Cost


4, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo 

Length 144,8 cm

Outer 3,4 cm

Inner 2,4 cm

Bass B  Horn D, G Octave A,E, A, C#, E, G

Price 300 US$ + Shipping Cost


5, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo

Length 169,2 cm 

Outer 3,4 cm

Inner 2,4 cm

Bass A# Horn D, B, F, A Octave F#, C#, F#, A#, C#, E, G

Price 300 US$ + Shipping Cost 


6, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo 

Length 157,7 cm

Outer 3,5 cm

Inner 2,5 cm

Bass A#, G#   Horn E, C, F#  Octave G3#, D3#, G4#, C#, D4#, F#

Price 500 US$ + Shipping Cost


7, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo

Length 82,8 cm

Outer 3,8 cm

Inner 2,4 cm 

Bass F# A Horn D# Octave F3#, F4#, C#, F5#, A#

Price 2000 US $ + Shipping Cost


8, Bamboo Narita Didgeridoo 

Length 140,2 cm 

Outer 4,9 cm

Inner 3,2 cm

Bass C Horn F#,D Octave A3, E, A4, C#, E4

Price 300 US $ + Shipping Cost


9, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo 

Length 98,9 cm

Outer 3,9 cm

Inner 2,4 cm

Bass E Horn C Octave D3#, A#, D4#, G

Price 300 US$ + Shipping Cost 


10, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo 

Length 124,9 cm

Outer 3,6 cm

Inner 2,6 cm 

Bass C  Horn G, E Octave B3, F#, B4, D#, F#

Price 300 US $ + Shipping Cost 


11, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo 

Length 108,6 cm

Outer 2,8 cm

Inner 2,5 cm

Bass E, C# Horn A#, G Octave D3, A3, D4, F, A4 

Price 300 US $ + Shipping Cost 


12, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo 

Length 112,3 cm

Outer 4,1 cm

Inner 2,7 cm

Bass D Horn A, F# Octave C3, G, C4, E

Price 2000 US $ + Shipping Cost 


13, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo 

Length 122,6 cm

Outer 4,1 cm

Inner 2,7 cm

Bass C# Horn G, E Octave B, F3#, B4, D#, F5#

Price 300 US$ + Shipping Cost 

405020032_340220772325177_3240029230510500982_n (1).jpg

14, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo 

Length 124,7 cm

Outer 3,5 cm

Inner 2,5 cm

Bass C, D# Horn G,E Octave C3, G3, C4, E, G5

Price 500 US $ + Shipping Cost 


15, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo  ( Bamboo Shrine Ninja Didgeridoo )

Length 93,9 cm 

Outer 3,5 cm

Inner 2,9 cm

Bass D, F Horn C Octave E3, E4, B, E5, G 

Price : Not For Sale


16, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo

Length 118,5 cm

Outer 3,7 cm

Inner 2,8 cm

Bass D, C Horn G#, F  Octave C3, G3, C4,E, G4, A#

Price 500 US $ + Shipping Cost 


17, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo

Length 104, 3 cm

Outer 3,9 cm

Inner 2,8 cm

Bass F#, Horn B, G Octave D3, D4, A4, D5,F#, A5 

Price 500 US $ 


18, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo 

Length 110,3 cm

Outer 4,6 cm

Inner 3,1 cm

Bass E Horn A# Octave C3#, G3, C4#, F

Price 300 US $ + Shipping Cost 


19, Ouhanaudo Didgeridoo ( Kuromatsunai Hokkaido Japan )

Length 74,2 cm

Outer 4,1 cm

Inner 2,4 cm

Bass A# Horn E Octave G, D

Price 300 US $ + Shipping Cost

20, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo ( Sensui Islands Hiroshima Japan. )

Length 78,7 cm

Outer 4,4 cm

Inner  3,1 cm

Bass A F# Horn D# Octave G3, G4, C#, G5

Price 1500 US $ + Shipping Cost 


Didgeridoo Sounds Meditation Class at Rishikesh International Yoga Festival 2020 March with Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo.

Dec 3 2023 Gig at Afternoon Party Hoshiyoga and Live Music Dojo Kuromatsunai Hokkaido Japan.

無事に星ヨガ音楽道場にてコンサートイベント終了致しました。 乳幼児を含む、お子様にも囲まれたアットホームな雰囲気で、皆様も楽しんで頂けたようで、本当に良かったです。 次回はオンライン観戦も出来るようにしますので、よろしくお願い申し上げます。 では、皆様も今日という日を楽しんでお過ごし下さい。 ありがとうございました&若輩者ですが、これからも何卒、よろしくお願い申し上げます😚🌴 Much thank you guys lastday gig at Hoshiyoga music Dojo Hokkaido Kuromatsunai Japan. Next one will be online style same time. Have a lovely days everybody 😚🌴

日本国北海道黒松内町民センター大ホールでの演奏会の動画です。黒松内町教育委員会の皆様、企画ありがとうございました。日時は二千二十二年九月です。 Booking :


Gig at Hokkaido Japan Kuromatsunai Chomin Centre 2022 09. Organized by Kuromatsunai Board Of Education. Big big Thank you so much. All Didgeridoo are Handmade by Yusuke Hoshi, Made in Japan.


お仕事のご依頼は からどうぞ。全てに感謝です。ありがとうございます。演奏で使用しているディジュリドゥ笛は全て完全手彫り、星祐介による日本製です。


Jacket at Hoshiyoga Music Dojo Natural Spring Water. 1, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo & Drums Percussion. 2, Ouhanaudo Didgeridoo. 3, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo. 4, Handpan Improvisation. Bali Handpan F, Sonobe Handpan G Mixolydian, and Spacedrum C Chromatic. 5, 黒松内に行こう。Let's go to Natural Hot Spring Water. 6, Darabukka Solo. 7, Bamboo Shrine Didgeridoo & Drums Percussion.


Natural spring water at Hoshiyoga and Live Music Dojo Kuromatsunai Hokkaido Japan.


© 2024 by Yusuke Hoshi

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